3 FOR 2
Buy 3 items and get the cheapest for free. Applies to all socks, tights and hair accessories.

Nia Lupine headband
140 kr

Olga Pink headband
145 kr

Bow Fantastic Lupine
100 kr

Daisy Bowie tights
Fra 350 kr

Billie Boo knee socks
100 kr

Dear Daisy tights
Fra 190 kr

Good Times socks
90 kr

Party People tights
Fra 190 kr

Berrie Bow socks
Fra 90 kr

Cherry Pop tights
Fra 190 kr

Charming Cherries knee socks
100 kr

Rebecca tights
Fra 180 kr

Bow Fantastic Party
100 kr

Olga Mint headband
145 kr

Adam socks
Fra 75 kr

Poppy Polka Purple socks
Fra 80 kr

Esther knee socks
95 kr

Missi & Crissi knee socks
100 kr

Cookie Time tights
Fra 180 kr

Sugar & Spice tights
Fra 180 kr

Olga Shiny headband
130 kr

Fly Roller tights
Fra 180 kr

Scrunchie Lovely
75 kr

Papillon headband
150 kr